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Cats Don't Bark: Memoir of a Black Federal Employee

Posted 10 months ago

Price: $ 15.00

Book Purchase Link : https://www.amazon.com/Cats-Dont-Bark-Federal-Employee-ebook/dp/B085F3V3YS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ZWSU6L7YHOKX&keywords=cats+don%27t+bark+ingram&qid=1693661777&sprefix=cats+don%27t+bark+ingram%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1

Website Link : https://www.catsdontbark.org/

This book shares personal and professional accounts of an African-American Federal employee. The contents of this work reveal episodes of unethical, retaliatory, and discriminatory actions taken against Federal employees by leaders and coworkers as well as unethical support given to those leaders and coworkers by Lawyers, Judges, and other oath-taking Federal employees.

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